Tuesday 5 April 2011

Competition success

Well, March's SWPP competition has been and gone. I entered this image :

It got a Silver, awarded in the Contemporary Portraiture category. Link to the posting: here

It's a collage of polaroid images at different focal lengths. It was made using The Impossible Project's PZ 600 Silver Shade film, which is experimental. In contrast to the old polaroid films, this one should be developed in the dark. It's not something I could do at the time so as soon as it ejected the camera, I put it in the camera case (which was relatively dark). Each one shows an effect which looks like solarisation on the darker edges. This film is monochrome and has a sepia like tint - sometimes going bluish under the right conditions. It can be manipulated and the original intention was to do an emulsion lift - something I still may do! They have now brought out a much more stable version of it.

If anyone is interested the camera used was the Polaroid Macro 5. It's a specialist camera and was used by dentists or skin specialists etc. It has 5 fixed focal lengths available at the flick of a switch. Right in the middle is 1:1 lifesize, the next one up is 2:1 and the closest 3:1. There is no manual focus, the shutter is set by the camera and there are 2 independantly controlled flashes. It is a superb camera but I wish it had a longer focal lenght to use for more 'normal' images. Here it is:

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