Saturday 5 December 2009

Competition Success

The SWPP (Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers), of which I am a member of, (click here), have a monthly photographic competition which is open to members worldwide. Images are rated gold, silver, bronze or unclassified (not up to the standard of a competition entry).

In Novembers competition I entered a few images. I have been awarded a silver and a bronze. I'll be trying for a gold in 2010! The gold winners are published in Professional Imagemaker, the bi-monthly SWPP magazine. At the end of the year they are judged at the Annual convention where a winner for each category is announced. These then become the image of the year for each category. Something to aim for I think.
My silver was awarded in the Glamour and Beauty category for this image:

Link to the posting: click here

My bronze was awarded in the Portraiture Environmental category for this image:

Link to the posting: click here

Previously, I have only entered once before, way back at the beginning of the year, when I was awarded a bronze for this image:

And a bronze for this image:

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