Monday 12 April 2010

Competition Success

In march I entered five images in the SWPP's international monthly competition. Here's how I got on:

This image got a bronze in the fashion category:

Link to the posting: click here

This image got a bronze in the Glamour and Beauty category:

Link to the posting: click here

This image got a bronze in the contemporary portraiture category:

Link to posting: click here

This image got a bronze in the environmental portraiture category:

Link to the posting: click here

And this image got a bronze in the Traditional portraiture category:

Link to posting: click here

So, 5 bronzes! It has been said on the forums that the competition is getting harder and that the judging is a lot stricter than it was. Having looked at other entries I'm inclined to agree.

Onwards and upwards, lets see what this month brings.